Today’s hunt was to be a 6man hunt. Two trucks rolled to a stop on the half mud and half gravel drive. Out poured the family of brothers, uncles, sons of uncles and kin of all kinds. What stood out was unexpected. There standing at the old man’s elbow was, but a wee young man. Dressed in full camouflage complimented with a bright pink face and grin, so large it made his ears look small. There stood the little fellow, clearly the apple of this grandfather’s eye. With eagerness and expectations for today’s adventures was center stage. However, a shadow passed through the guides thoughts. This little fellow might be too young; just how young is too young? Well, being surrounded by gun toting men does clearly affect one’s decision and clearly the well being of this young man was not in question; the little fellow can go.
Grandpa declared, it would be best if the little fellow hunted with his Rid Rider BB Gun, as he never got out of grandpa’s reach. All the Family agreed, I mean who’s to argue!?
The hunt begins, 3wide, 2deep with enough fire power too, well, you know. The first bird flew due north, the second bird flew into the easterly wind, the third bird chose to head west. With each rise and fall of the quarry, the little fellow proudly raised his trusty Red Rider BB Gun, shouldered the beast, took aim, squeezed the trigger and yelled “BANG”! Grandpa never lifted his Remington 1100. It’s possible he may never have even slid a single shell into the chamber, but was evident he was greatly amused.
The guides kept an eye on the little fellow, which was the youngest of the hunters. Watching for signs of fatigue, yet, without even the slightest misstep; the pair reached the end of the day at what we call the canyon. A completely impassable washout.
It was time for the final tally. Five Men, each chimed in with their count. A total of 18 birds. Then a voice that had been silent all day, contradicted them declaring “That’s funny, because you guys are all wrong”, it was Grandpa. No! They collectively stated. They had recounted their bounty, 18 birds!!! Well, sighed the grandpa, “Tell me how many you got Little Fellow? 18 the Little Fellow beamed! Grandpa said I got every one of them, when I took my shot”!
So it was, 18 birds were loaded into grandpa’s truck. I mean, who’s going to argue with The Little Fellow.